The Sons of Sigma Mu Mu

The Brothers of the Sigma Mu Mu of Loudoun County, VA Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity's mission is to diligently serve the community in which they live, work, worship, and socialize. To accomplish their mission, Sigma Mu Mu, mission is to diligently serve the community in which they live, work, worship, and socialize. To accomplish their mission, Sigma Mu Mu will do their duty according to the ideals of our Founders which began nearly a century ago and hold true that "Friendship is Essential to the Soul"
The Everlasting 8 Sons of Quad Alpha
2013 Fall
1 | Jeffery Q. Hammond II | (Chicken Hawk) |
2 | Gilbert M. Mack Jr. | (Charlie Murphy) |
3 | Sean Murrell | (Duda Man) |
4 | Chadwick F. Carlton | (Creflo Hola) |
5 | Mark Byers | (Gomer Pyle) |
6 | Paul D. Forbes | (Sid Mayhem) |
7 | Carl Francis Jr. | (Little Chris) |
8 | Rod Tasco | (Slim Jim) |
Six Solo Suqers Of Omega
2016 Spring
1 | Robert Thomas III | (Beetle Juice) |
2 | Jermaine Coleman | (Water Baby) |
3 | James E. Banks | (Mr. Rogers) |
4 | Edward Wilder | (Segway) |
5 | Jerome Q. Smith | (Jethro) |
6 | Eric Martin | (Green Mile) |
The Six Resurrected Sons of Doom
Spring 2024
1 | Joseph A. Smith | (Secret SΩurriel) |
2 | Ryan A. Myers | (FredΩ) |
3 | Lee Johnson, Jr. | (Ωonman) |
4 | Randolph Chestang IV | (BilbΩ Baggins) |
5 | Edwin L. Harmon II | (Mr. MΩmbles) |
6 | Darnerien R. McCants | (Eddie Qane) |