News Article - 3 minute read
Sigma Mu Mu Chapter Supports HBCU Fair at Tuscarora High School
On February 1, 2025, Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., supported Tuscarora High School’s HBCU Fair in Leesburg, VA. The HBCU Fair is an annual event that’s sponsored by the high school to expose students to the HBCU experience and opportunities. Approximately 85 students and their parents attended the event. Sigma Mu Mu represented the Fraternity and was one of dozens of organizations that shared relevant information about college and scholarship opportunities at their respective information tables. Sigma Mu Mu brothers provided information about the Chapter’s Talent Hunt Program, Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative, and available scholarship opportunities. Additionally, the history of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. was shared with the patrons. Books, newspapers, magazines, periodicals and other fraternity memorabilia were displayed on the Chapter’s table. The roles of famous Omega men and their significant contributions to Black History were also highlighted.
The brothers turned out in large numbers to support this event. They fellowshipped and had meaningful conversations with the students and their parents about the many opportunities that Sigma Mu Mu offers. Contact information of eight (8) students was captured for follow-up engagement purposes, making the HBCU Fair a productive and successful endeavor for Sigma Mu Mu as well as the attendees. A great time was had by all, and participating students left better informed about college, the HBCU experience, scholarship opportunities, Omega, and Greek life in general.
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