News Article - 3 minute read

Sigma Mu Mu Chapter Marches with NAACP and Gives Away 500 Books to Children to Celebrate Juneteenth


In June 2024, Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., celebrated
Juneteenth by participating in the "Burg Family" 4th Annual Juneteenth Celebration on 15 June and the
NAACP Loudoun County March and Celebration on 19 June. The Burg Family celebration was held in Ida
Lee Park, Leesburg, Va. and attracted more than 200 attendees. Sigma Mu Mu brothers managed
parking for the event and gave away new books to children at the celebration as part of the chapter’s
Literacy Program; the Literacy Program is designed to encourage reading by making books available to
children, and is one of the chapter’s most successful initiatives. Sigma Mu Mu set up a display booth
and gave to elementary school children over 500 books donated to Sigma Mu Mu by the Loudoun
County Toys for Tots program. In return, the chapter only asked that the children commit to read at
least 20 minutes each night. This is Sigma Mu Mu’s third year of giving away books at the Juneteenth
celebration, making it an anticipated, fun experience for the Brothers as well as children and their
families. Brothers played Connect 4 and Blinko with the kids as they talked to them about their past and
upcoming school year. Several parents showed their appreciation by making a monetary donation in
support of future Sigma Mu Mu community service activities; the chapter collected $85 in donations.
On June 19, Sigma Mu Mu continued its celebration of Juneteenth by participating in the Loudoun
County NAACP March and Celebration in Leesburg, VA. The event began with a prayer by the
NAACP Loudoun Branch President, Pastor Michelle Thomas, after which dozens of attendees were
treated to a musical selection by a group of men from Sierra Leone, Africa. Attendees then marched to
the Orion Anderson Memorial with Washington D.C’s Crush Band as the band played uplifting music.
Once at the monument that memorializes Orion Anderson, the African American teenager who was
lynched in 1889, distinguished guests and public officials were recognized and the significance of
Juneteenth was discussed. The festive program concluded with a celebratory lunch provided by Pastor
Michelle Thomas’ food truck, Everything Irie.