News Article - 3 minute read

Sigma Mu Mu Chapter Health and Wellness:  Fitness with a purpose


On June 28th, 2024 at the 84 th Grand Conclave, the Biking Bruhz®
embarked on a purpose-driven journey through the streets of
Tampa, FL, with two distinct routes: a 40-mile ride and a 20-mile
ride. In line with the “Conclave with a Purpose” theme, these routes
were thoughtfully designed to provide our brothers with a historical
perspective on the black excellence that has helped shaped
Hillsborough County, FL. With presidential motorcade-level
support from the Tampa police department, the Biking Bruhz were
celebrated and cheered the entire ride, with many Tampa residents
lining the streets to take photos and uplift the brothers in purple and
gold riding through their neighborhoods. Cyclists from every
Omega district were among the nearly 100 registered riders who
participated in the Tampa ride.
The Biking Bruhz® Cycle Team (BBCT) is a dynamic group of
like-minded men from Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. who rally
around the theme of “Fitness with a Purpose.” Our unwavering
commitment centers on making healthy choices while uplifting our
community. Over the past decade, we’ve collectively raised over
$45,000.00 to combat diabetes, support children with special needs,
and contribute to other socially conscious initiatives.
In addition to our philanthropic efforts, we’ve orchestrated
nationwide Fellowship Rides and Cycling Challenges to raise
awareness about men’s physical and mental health. Our membership
boasts over 1,400 Omega Men across several continents, all united by our shared purpose. Our inaugural Biking Bruhz Conclave
Fellowship Ride took place at the 83rd Grand Conclave in
Charlotte, NC and was so successful that the membership demanded
a reappearance at future conclaves.
A Great Team Effort
When planning a successful ride that includes almost 100 cyclists
travelling from all across North America, it takes an all-hands-on
deck effort. It started with an execution strategy from our core
leadership team of Chairman, Brother Larry Melton (Beta Mu ’81);
Vice-Chair, Brother Frederick Rich (Upsilon Delta ’97); Brother
Willie Vann (Kappa Phi ’76); Brother Oliver Hunter, Jr. (Tau
Lambda ’81); Brother Raymond Bell (Eta ’89); and Brother Andre
Flowers (Omicron Zeta ’93). The leadership was then supported by
the “Boots on the Ground” brothers and BBCT ladies who manned
the rest stops and conducted a flawless check-in process. And, of
course, a special thank you goes to our event partners and sponsors
– Outspokin’ Bicycle Shop, the Tampa Police Department, Coca
Cola Tampa, and Archie’s BBQ Caterer.
How to Join the Movement
Joining the movement is easy. Whether donning our signature
purple kits at charity rides across the country or gearing up for our
next big event at the 85th Grand Conclave in Cincinnati, Ohio, there
is a spot for you in the Biking Bruhz. Regardless if you are a
beginner or competition-level rider, we welcome the participation of
all brothers who love to cycle and want to make meaningful
deposits toward their health.
Stay connected and informed about our upcoming rides and
community initiatives by following us on Facebook, WhatsApp, and
STRAVA. Join us, and be part of something bigger than yourself.
Together, we ride towards a healthier future for our people,
embodying the true spirit of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Fitness with a Purpose!

Article Submitted by Brother Larry L Melton, Jr. 3-81-BM; Life Member 3838