News Article - 3 minute read
Sigma Mu Mu Conducts Adopt-A-Highway and Blood Drive During Achievement Week
On November 16, 2024, Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., performed two community service projects as part of its annual Achievement Week observance. Brothers completed an Adopt-A-Highway project and then sponsored a Charles R. Drew Blood Drive in coordination with Inova Blood Donor Services and Operation Uplift Foundation. For Adopt-A-Highway, Sigma Mu Mu brothers rallied at the Loudoun Tech Center in Sterling, VA where they enjoyed a tailgate continental breakfast and a moment of fellowship before canvasing the highway area for litter and removing any and all that was found. After a short break, they headed to Inova Blood Donor Services in Sterling for the Operation Uplift Foundation blood drive; Operation Uplift Foundation is the 501(c)3 non-profit organization affiliated with Sigma Mu Mu. Through efforts of the brothers, their families, friends, and the community, 12 units of whole blood and 3 units of platelets were collected from 15 donors. The Inova Coordinator, Mr. Gino Pascual, thanked Sigma Mu Mu Chapter and Operation Uplift for a very successful event and commented that it was the best drive since the covid pandemic. After the blood drive was completed, brothers continued to fellowship and converse with donors. A great time was had by all.
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